Stanford InfoLab Publication Server

Minimizing Uncertainty in Pipelines

Dalvi, Nilesh and Parameswaran, Aditya and Rastogi, Vibhor Minimizing Uncertainty in Pipelines. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. (Publication Note: Extended Version of Paper Published at NIPS 2012)




In this paper, we consider the problem of debugging large pipelines by human labeling. We represent the execution of a pipeline using a directed acyclic graph of AND and OR nodes, where each node represents a data item produced by some operator in the pipeline. We assume that each operator assigns a confidence to each of its output data. We want to reduce the uncertainty in the output by issuing queries to a human, where a query consists of checking if a given data item is correct. In this paper, we consider the problem of asking the optimal set of queries to minimize the resulting output uncertainty. We perform a detailed evaluation of the complexity of the problem for various classes of graphs. We give efficient algorithms for the problem for trees, and show that, for a general dag, the problem is intractable.

Item Type:Techreport (Technical Report)
Uncontrolled Keywords:human labeling, crowdsourcing, probabilistic databases, lineage, workflows, debugging
ID Code:1019
Deposited By:Aditya Parameswaran
Deposited On:29 Nov 2011 12:12
Last Modified:08 Nov 2012 16:06

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