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Deco: A System for Declarative Crowdsourcing

Park, Hyunjung and Pang, Richard and Parameswaran, Aditya and Garcia-Molina, Hector and Polyzotis, Neoklis and Widom, Jennifer (2012) Deco: A System for Declarative Crowdsourcing. In: 38th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB), Istanbul, Turkey.


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Deco is a system that enables declarative crowdsourcing: answering SQL queries posed over data gathered from the crowd as well as existing relational data. Deco implements a novel push-pull hybrid execution model in order to support a flexible data model and a precise query semantics, while coping with the combination of latency, monetary cost, and uncertainty of crowdsourcing. We demonstrate Deco using two crowdsourcing platforms: Amazon Mechanical Turk and an in-house platform, to show how Deco provides a convenient means of collecting and querying crowdsourced data.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
ID Code:1034
Deposited By:Hyunjung Park
Deposited On:22 Mar 2012 01:03
Last Modified:06 Jun 2012 10:20

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