Stanford InfoLab Publication Server

Identification of Frequency Modulated Signals in the AllenTelescope Array Data

Hou, Austin and Setra, Rafael and Yang, Qi Ian (2016) Identification of Frequency Modulated Signals in the AllenTelescope Array Data. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab.


[img]PDF (Final report CS341 SETI group 1.)


Archival data from the Allen Telescope Array were analyzed with a variety of techniques, including Fourier transformation, fluctuation analysis, and Fisher vector calculations. 1.6±0.4% of the data records were found to contain frequency modulated signals ("squiggles"). We report a combined best-case misclassification rate of 1.5% false negative and 0.2% false positive.

Item Type:Techreport (Technical Report)
ID Code:1142
Deposited By:Andreas Paepcke
Deposited On:24 Jun 2016 19:49
Last Modified:24 Jun 2016 19:49

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