Stanford InfoLab Publication Server

A proposal for basing our protocols on a general information exchange level

Winograd, Terry (1995) A proposal for basing our protocols on a general information exchange level. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab.




In order to build our protocols in a way that will provide for long term growth and extensibility, we should define a standard level on top of the CORBA/ILU level, to deal with the management of information across objects on different servers. It is based on a generalization of the protocols we have been working on.

Item Type:Techreport (Technical Report)
Additional Information:Previous number = SIDL-1995-0009
Subjects:Computer Science > Digital Libraries
Projects:Digital Libraries
Related URLs:Project Homepage
ID Code:124
Deposited By:Import Account
Deposited On:28 Oct 2001 16:00
Last Modified:08 Dec 2008 13:47

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