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The Database Approach to Knowledge Representation

Ullman, J. (1996) The Database Approach to Knowledge Representation. In: AAAI Proceedings, 1996.




The database theory community, centered around the PODS (Principles of Database Systems) conference has had a long-term interest in logic as a way to represent "data," "information," and "knowledge" (take your pick on the term -- it boils down to facts or atoms and rules, usually Horn The approach of this community has been "slow and steady," preferring to build up carefully from simple special cases to more general ideas, always paying attention to how effciently we can process queries and perform other operations on the facts and rules. A powerful theory has developed, and it is beginning to have some impact on applications, especially information-integration engines.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Subjects:Computer Science > Data Integration and Mediation
Projects:Information Integration
Related URLs:Project Homepage
ID Code:165
Deposited By:Import Account
Deposited On:25 Feb 2000 16:00
Last Modified:09 Dec 2008 09:43

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