Stanford InfoLab Publication Server

MARS: Runtime Support for Coordinated Application

Sample, N. and Bartlett, C. and Haines, M. (1999) MARS: Runtime Support for Coordinated Application. In: ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 1999), February 28-March 2, 1999 , San Antonio, Texas.




Expert knowledge from many disciplines is frequently embodied in stand-alone codes used to solve particular problems. Codes from various disciplines can be composed into cooperative ensembles that can answer questions larger than any solitary code can. These multi-code compositions are called multidisciplinary applications and are a growing area of research. To support the integration of existing codes into multidisciplinary applications, we have constructed the Multidisciplinary Application Runtime System (MARS). MARS supports legacy modules, heterogeneous execution environments, conditional execution flows, dynamic module invocation and realignment, runtime binding of output data paths, and a simple specification language to script module actions.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Uncontrolled Keywords:multidisciplinary applications, runtime systems, software composition, legacy code
Subjects:Computer Science
Related URLs:Project Homepage
ID Code:370
Deposited By:Import Account
Deposited On:25 Feb 2000 16:00
Last Modified:28 Dec 2008 10:09

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