Yerneni, R. and Li, C. and Ullman, J. and Garcia-Molina, H. (1999) Optimizing Large Join Queries in Mediation Systems. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. (Publication Note: 7th International Conference on Database Theory, Jerusalem, Israel, January 10-12, 1999)
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In data integration systems, queries posed to a mediator need to be translated into a sequence of queries to the underlying data sources. In a heterogeneous environment, with sources of diverse and limited query capabilities, not all the translations are feasible. We study the problem of finding feasible and efficient query plans for mediator systems. We consider conjunctive queries on mediators and model the source capabilities through attribute-binding adornments. We use a simple cost model that focuses on the major costs in mediation systems: those involved with sending queries to sources and getting answers back. Under this metric, we develop two algorithms for source query sequencing, one based on a simple greedy strategy and another based on a partitioning scheme. The first algorithm produces optimal plans in some scenarios, and we show a linear bound on its worst-case performance when it misses optimal plans. The second algorithm generates optimal plans in more scenarios, while having no bound on the margin by which it misses the optimal plans. We also report on the results of experiments that study the performance of the two algorithms
Item Type: | Techreport (Technical Report) | |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Data Integration, Heterogeneous Databases, Query Optimization | |
Subjects: | Computer Science > Data Integration and Mediation Computer Science > Query Processing | |
Projects: | Information Integration | |
Related URLs: | Project Homepage | |
ID Code: | 390 | |
Deposited By: | Import Account | |
Deposited On: | 25 Feb 2000 16:00 | |
Last Modified: | 28 Dec 2008 10:32 |
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