Stanford InfoLab Publication Server

Practical Lineage Tracing in Data Warehouses

Cui, Y. and Widom, J. (1999) Practical Lineage Tracing in Data Warehouses. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. (Publication Note: 16th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2000), February 28 - March 3, 2000, San Diego, California)




We consider the view data lineage problem in a warehousing environment: For a given data item in a materialized warehouse view, we want to identify the set of source data items that produced the view item. We formalize the problem, and we present a lineage tracing algorithm for relational views with aggregation. Based on our tracing algorithm, we propose a number of schemes for storing auxiliary views that enable consistent and efficient lineage tracing in a multi-source data warehouse. We report on a performance study of the various schemes, identifying which schemes perform best in which settings. Based on our results, we have implemented a lineage tracing package in the WHIPS data warehousing system prototype at Stanford. With this package, users can select view tuples of interest, then efficiently ``drill through'' to examine the exact source tuples that produced the view tuples of interest.

Item Type:Techreport (Technical Report)
Uncontrolled Keywords:view data lineage, auxiliary view
Subjects:Computer Science > Data Warehousing
Related URLs:Project Homepage
ID Code:411
Deposited By:Import Account
Deposited On:25 Feb 2000 16:00
Last Modified:27 Dec 2008 21:23

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