Stanford InfoLab Publication Server

Assigning an Appropriate Meaning to Database Logic With Negation

Ullman, J. (1994) Assigning an Appropriate Meaning to Database Logic With Negation. Technical Report. Stanford University. (Publication Note: A corrected version of a paper that appeared in "Computers as Our Better Partners" (H. Yamada, Y. Kambayashi, and S. Ohta, eds.) pp. 216--225, World Scientific, Singapore, 1994.)




Deductive database systems -- that is, database systems with a query language based on logical rules -- must allow negated subgoals in rules to express an adequate range of queries. Adherence to classical deductive logic rarely offers the intuitively correct meaning of the rules. Thus, a variety of approaches to defining the "right" meaning of such rules have been developed. In this paper we survey the principal approaches, including stratified negation, well-founded negation, stable-model semantics, and modularly stratified semantics.

Item Type:Techreport (Technical Report)
Additional Information:A corrected version of a paper that appeared in "Computers as Our Better Partners" (H. Yamada, Y. Kambayashi, and S. Ohta, eds.) pp. 216--225, World Scientific, Singapore, 1994.
Subjects:Computer Science > Data Integration and Mediation
Projects:Information Integration
Related URLs:Project Homepage
ID Code:48
Deposited By:Import Account
Deposited On:25 Feb 2000 16:00
Last Modified:02 Dec 2008 15:26

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