Stanford InfoLab Publication Server

Streaming Live Media over a Peer-to-Peer Network

Deshpande, Hrishikesh and Bawa, Mayank and Garcia-Molina, Hector (2001) Streaming Live Media over a Peer-to-Peer Network. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab.

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The high bandwidth required by live streaming video greatly limits the number of clients that can be served by a source. In this work, we discuss and evaluate an architecture, called {\em SpreadIt}, for streaming live media over a network of clients, using the resources of the clients themselves. Using SpreadIt, we can distribute bandwidth requirements over the network. The key challenge is to allow an application level multicast tree to be easily maintained over a network of transient peers, while ensuring that quality of service does not degrade. We propose a basic peering infrastructure layer for streaming applications, which uses a redirect primitive to meet the challenge successfully. Through empirical and simulation studies, we show that SpreadIt provides a good quality of service, which degrades gracefully with increasing number of clients. Perhaps more significantly, existing applications can be made to work with SpreadIt, without any change to their code base.

Item Type:Techreport (Technical Report)
Uncontrolled Keywords:peer-to-peer, application level multicast, quality of service, peering layer, redirect
Related URLs:Project Homepage
ID Code:501
Deposited By:Import Account
Deposited On:01 Aug 2001 17:00
Last Modified:27 Dec 2008 09:55

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