Stanford InfoLab Publication Server

Open Problems in Data-sharing Peer-to-peer Systems

Daswani, Neil and Garcia-Molina, Hector and Yang, Beverly (2003) Open Problems in Data-sharing Peer-to-peer Systems. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. (Publication Note: 9th International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT 2003) Siena, Italy, January 8-10, 2003)




In a Peer-To-Peer (P2P) system, autonomous computers pool their resources (e.g., files, storage, compute cycles) in order to inexpensively handle tasks that would normally require large costly servers. The scale of these systems, their "open nature," and the lack of centralized control pose difficult performance and security challenges. Much research has recently focused on tackling some of these challenges; in this paper, we propose future directions for research in P2P systems, and highlight problems that have not yet been studied in great depth. We focus on two particular aspects of P2P systems -- search and security -- and suggest several open and important research problems for the community to address.

Item Type:Techreport (Technical Report)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Peer-to-peer, search, security
Related URLs:Project Homepage
ID Code:581
Deposited By:Import Account
Deposited On:22 Oct 2002 17:00
Last Modified:24 Dec 2008 09:38

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