Stanford InfoLab Publication Server

Apocrypha: Making P2P Overlays Network-aware

Ganesan, Prasanna and Sun, Qixiang and Garcia-Molina, Hector (2003) Apocrypha: Making P2P Overlays Network-aware. Technical Report. Stanford.




A peer-to-peer(P2P) system consists of a dynamic set of nodes that organizes itself in an overlay network. In general, this overlay network may have nothing to do with the location of nodes on the physical network. We propose a generic mechanism called Apocrypha to make any P2P overlay ``network-aware'', and thus improve its quality, using topology-preserving transformations. We demonstrate the applicability and utility of Apocrypha on two different P2P systems: the Chord system which uses a deterministic overlay topology, and the Gnutella system which operates on an ad hoc topology. We also describe new, improved routing protocols for the Chord system, and introduce the long-circuit phenomenon in Gnutella.

Item Type:Techreport (Technical Report)
Subjects:Computer Science > Distributed Systems
Related URLs:Project Homepage
ID Code:622
Deposited By:Import Account
Deposited On:10 Nov 2003 16:00
Last Modified:24 Dec 2008 09:50

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