Stanford InfoLab Publication Server

Adaptive Query Processing in Data Stream Management Systems

Babu, Shivnath (2005) Adaptive Query Processing in Data Stream Management Systems. PhD thesis, Stanford University.




This thesis addresses the problem of processing continuous queries in a Data Stream Management System (DSMS) when stream characteristics and system conditions may vary unpredictably over time. We present a generic framework, called StreaMon, for adaptive query processing in a DSMS. StreaMon has three core components: <ol> <li> An Executor, which runs the current plan for each query </li> <li> A Profiler, which collects and maintains statistics about current stream characteristics and system conditions </li> <li> A Re-optimizer, which ensures the current plans are the most efficient for current stream characteristics and system conditions </li> </ol> We instantiate the generic StreaMon framework for three distinct combinations of continuous query type and adaptivity need: <ol> <li> Adaptive processing of commutative filters over a stream to maximize throughput at all points in time </li> <li> Adaptive placement of subresult caches in pipelined plans for windowed stream joins to maximize throughput at all points in time </li> <li> Detecting relaxed constraints automatically in input streams and exploiting these constraints to reduce memory requirements in plans for windowed stream joins </li> </ol> For each problem, we provide the definition and motivating examples, develop and analyze adaptive algorithms, and present implementation techniques and experimental results from the STREAM general-purpose DSMS prototype developed at Stanford.

Item Type:Thesis (PhD)
Uncontrolled Keywords:Adaptive query processing, data streams, continuous queries
Subjects:Computer Science > Data Streams
Related URLs:Project Homepage
ID Code:688
Deposited By:Import Account
Deposited On:14 Sep 2005 17:00
Last Modified:22 Dec 2008 17:43

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