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Query rewriting for semistructured data

Papakonstantinou, Y. and Vassalos, V. (1999) Query rewriting for semistructured data. In: ACM International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD 1999), June 1-3, 1999, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


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We address the problem of query rewriting for TSL, a language for querying semistructured data. We develop and present an algorithm that, given a semistructured query $q$ and a set of semistructured views ${\cal V}$, finds rewriting queries, i.e., queries that access the views and produce the same result as $q$. Our algorithm is based on appropriately generalizing containment mappings, the chase, and query composition -- techniques that were developed for structured, relational data. We also develop an algorithm for equivalence checking of TSL queries. We show that the algorithm is sound and complete for TSL, i.e., it always finds every non-trivial TSL rewriting query of $q$, and we discuss its complexity. We extend the rewriting algorithm to use some forms of structural constraints (such as DTDs) and find more opportunities for query rewriting

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Uncontrolled Keywords:information integration, semistructured data, heterogeneneous databases, query rewriting,views
Subjects:Computer Science > Data Integration and Mediation
Computer Science > Semistructured Data
Projects:Information Integration
Related URLs:Project Homepage
ID Code:713
Deposited By:Import Account
Deposited On:25 Feb 2000 16:00
Last Modified:28 Dec 2008 10:03

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