Stanford InfoLab Publication Server

The Case for RAMClouds: Scalable High-Performance Storage Entirely in DRAM

Ousterhout, John K. and Agrawal, Parag and Erickson, David and Kozyrakis, Christos and Leverich, Jacob and Mazières, David and Mitra, Subhasish and Narayanan, Aravind and Rosenblum, Mendel and Rumble, Stephen M. and Stratmann, Eric and Stutsman, Ryan (2009) The Case for RAMClouds: Scalable High-Performance Storage Entirely in DRAM. In: SIGOPS OSR.


PDF - Accepted Version


Disk-oriented approaches to online storage are becoming increasingly problematic: they do not scale gracefully to meet the needs of large-scale Web applications, and improvements in disk capacity have far outstripped improvements in access latency and bandwidth. This paper argues for a new approach to datacenter storage called RAMCloud, where information is kept entirely in DRAM and large-scale systems are created by aggregating the main memories of thousands of commodity servers. We believe that RAMClouds can provide durable and available storage with 100-1000x the throughput of disk-based systems and 100-1000x lower access latency. The combination of low latency and large scale will enable a new breed of data-intensive applications.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
ID Code:942
Deposited By:Parag Agrawal
Deposited On:12 Sep 2009 00:46
Last Modified:11 Feb 2010 12:03

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