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Panda: A System for Provenance and Data

Ikeda, Robert and Widom, Jennifer (2010) Panda: A System for Provenance and Data. In: TaPP '10.




Panda (for Provenance and Data) is a new project whose goal is to address some limitations in existing provenance systems. This short paper describes our overall plans for Panda, including: a model that fully integrates data-based and process-based provenance; a set of built-in operators for exploiting provenance after it has been captured; an ad-hoc query language over provenance together with data; supporting the range from fine-grained to coarse-grained provenance; and addressing optimization problems involving eager versus lazy evaluation and data caching.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
ID Code:948
Deposited By:Robert Ikeda
Deposited On:04 Dec 2009 00:10
Last Modified:10 Feb 2010 13:35

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