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Modeling Information Diffusion in Implicit Networks

Yang, Jaewon and Leskovec, Jure (2010) Modeling Information Diffusion in Implicit Networks. In: IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, Dec 2010, Sydney, Australia.


PDF (Modeling Information Diffusion in Implicit Networks, ICDM 2011) - Accepted Version


Social media forms a central domain for the production and dissemination of real-time information. Even though such flows of information have traditionally been thought of as diffusion processes over social networks, the underlying phenomena are the result of a complex web of interactions among numerous participants. Here we develop a Linear Influence Model where rather than requiring the knowledge of the social network and then modeling the diffusion by predicting which node will influence which other nodes in the network, we focus on modeling the global influence of a node on the rate of diffusion through the (implicit) network. We model the number of newly infected nodes as a function of which other nodes got infected in the past. For each node we estimate an influence function that quantifies how many subsequent infections can be attributed to the influence of that node over time. A nonparametric formulation of the model leads to a simple least squares problem that can be solved on large datasets. We validate our model on a set of 500 million tweets and a set of 170 million news articles and blog posts.We show that the Linear Influence Model accurately models influences of nodes and reliably predicts the temporal dynamics of information diffusion. We find that patterns of influence of individual participants differ significantly depending on the type of the node and the topic of the information.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
ID Code:989
Deposited By:Jaewon Yang
Deposited On:11 Nov 2010 08:42
Last Modified:14 Oct 2013 11:25

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