
Statistics for the Stanford InfoLab Publication Server.
This page allows you to generate graphs and tables of data summarising the usage data for eprints in the repository. Select the data you want to graph in 'Set of Eprints', choose the date range to process in 'Date Range', select the type of analysis to make in 'Choice of View' and then click 'Generate'.
Set of Eprints
You can choose to only include data for particular sets (e.g. eprints deposited by a named author) or show data for only a single eprint.

Eprint ID
Date Range
Change the period of access log data included based on when the request was made. Warning! The more data you include the longer it will take to generate the results.
From date:
     Until date:
Choice of View
The view determines how data is rendered and may provide additional data refinements (for example showing a summary for authors).