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Number of items: 98. Shin, Jaeho and Paepcke, Andreas and Widom, Jennifer 3X: A Data Management System for Computational Experiments (Demonstration Proposal). Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. Buyukkokten, Orkut and Garcia-Molina, Hector and Paepcke, Andreas (2000) Accordion Summarization for End-Game Browsing on PDAs and Cellular Phones. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. (Publication Note: Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2001), Seattle, Washington, March 31-April 5, 2001) Naaman, Mor and Harada, Susumu and Wang, QianYing and Paepcke, Andreas (2004) Adventures in Space and Time: Browsing Personal Collections of Geo-Referenced Digital Photographs. Technical Report. Stanford. Soman, Siddhi and Chharjta, Arti and Bonomo, Alexander and Paepcke, Andreas (2012) ArcSpread for Analyzing Web Archives. In: . Naaman, Mor and Song, Yee Jiun and Paepcke, Andreas and Garcia-Molina, Hector (2005) Assigning Textual Names to Sets of Geographic Coordinates. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. (Publication Note: Journal of Computers, Environment, and Urban Systems, 30(4):418--435 (July 2006). ) Naaman, Mor and Song, Yee Jiun and Paepcke, Andreas and Garcia Molina, Hector (2004) Automatic Organization for Digital Photographs with Geographic Coordinates. Technical Report. Stanford. Naaman, Mor and Song, Yee Jiun and Paepcke, Andreas and Garcia Molina, Hector (2004) Automatic Organization for Digital Photographs with Geographic Coordinates. In: Fourth ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2004) , June 7-11, 2004, Tucson, Arizona . Naaman, Mor and Song, Yee Jiun and Paepcke, Andreas and Garcia-Molina, Hector (2004) Automatically Generating Metadata for Digital Photographs with Geographic Coordinates. In: The Thirteenth International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2004), May 17-22, 2004, New York, NY. Grant, Karen D. and Graham, Adrian and Nguyen, Tom and Paepcke, Andreas and Winograd, Terry (2002) Beyond the Shoe Box: Foundations for Flexibly Organizing Photographs on a Computer. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. Grant, Karen D. and Graham, Adrian and Nguyen, Tom and Paepcke, Andreas and Winograd, Terry (2003) Beyond the Shoe Box: Foundations for Flexibly Organizing Photographs on a Computer. Technical Report. Stanford. Bihani, Ankita and Ullman, Jeffrey and Paepcke, Andreas (2017) Boosting the Value of Online Class Forum Facilities. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. Paepcke, Andreas and Baldonado, Michelle and Chang, Chen-Chuan K. and Cousins, Steve and Garcia-Molina, Hector (2000) Building the InfoBus: A Review of Technical Choices in the Stanford Digital Library Project. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. Yeh, Ron B and Liao, Chunyuan and Klemmer, Scott R and Guimbretiere, Francois and Lee, Brian and Kakaradov, Boyko and Stamberger, Jeannie and Paepcke, Andreas (2005) ButterflyNet: A Mobile Capture and Access System for Field Biology Research. Technical Report. Stanford. Yeh, Ron B and Liao, Chunyuan and Klemmer, Scott R and Guimbretiere, Francois and Lee, Brian and Kakaradov, Boyko and Stamberger, Jeannie and Paepcke, Andreas (2006) ButterflyNet: A Mobile Capture and Access System for Field Biology Research. In: Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2006), April 22-27, 2006, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Rodriguez-Mula, Gerard and Garcia-Molina, Hector and Paepcke, Andreas (2000) Collaborative value filtering on the Web. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, vol.30, no.1-7, p. 736-8, 0169-7552 . Paepcke, Andreas and Hassan, Scott (1996) Combining CORBA and the World-Wide Web in the Stanford Digital Library Project. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. Roscheisen, Martin and Winograd, Terry and Paepcke, Andreas (1995) Content Ratings, and Other Third-Party Value-Added Information: Defining an Enabling Platform. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. Naaman, Mor and Harada, Susumu and Wang, QianYing and Garcia-Molina, Hector and Paepcke, Andreas (2004) Context Data in Geo-Referenced Digital Photo Collections. In: 12th ACM international conference on Multimedia (MM 2004), October 10-16, 2004, New York, NY. Miner, Adam and Chow, Amanda and Adler, Sarah and Zaitsev, Ilia and Tero, Paul and Darcy, Alison and Paepcke, Andreas Conversational Agents and Mental Health: Theory-Informed Assessment of Language and Affect. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. Prasad, Jyotika and Paepcke, Andreas (2008) CoreEx: Content Extraction from Online News Articles. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. Paepcke, Andreas and Wang, QianYing and Patel, Sheila and Wang, Matthew and Harada, Susumu (2003) A Cost-Effective Three-In-One PDA Input Control. Technical Report. Stanford. Schwartz, Daniel and Gomes Selman, Jonathan Michael and Wrege, Peter and Paepcke, Andreas Deployment of Embedded Edge-AI for Wildlife Monitoring in Remote Regions. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. Yeh, Ron and Klemmer, Scott and Paepcke, Andreas (2007) Design and Evaluation of an Event Architecture for Paper UIs: Developers Create by Copying and Combining. Technical Report. Stanford. Paepcke, Andreas and Garcia-Molina, Hector and Wesley, Rebecca (2005) Dewey Meets Turing: Librarians, Computer Scientists, and the Digital Libraries Initiative. DLIB Magazine, 11 (7-8). Cousins, Steve B. and Paepcke, Andreas and Winograd, Terry and Bier, Eric A. and Pier, Ken (1997) The Digital Library Integrated Task Environment (DLITE). Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. Paepcke, Andreas and Kairam, Sanjay (2012) EchoTree: Engaged Conversation when Capabilities are Limited. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. Yu, YuanYuan and Stamberger, Jeannie A. and Manoharan, Aswath and Paepcke, Andreas (2006) EcoPod: A Mobile Tool for Community Based Biodiversity Collection Building. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. Kaljuvee, Oliver and Buyukkokten, Orkut and Garcia-Molina, Hector and Paepcke, Andreas (2001) Efficient Web Form Entry on PDAs. In: Tenth International World Web Conference (WWW 2001), May 1-5, 2001, Hong Kong. Naaman, Mor and Garcia-Molina, Hector and Paepcke, Andreas (2003) Evaluation of Delivery Techniques for Dynamic Web Content. Technical Report. Stanford. Naaman, Mor and Garcia-Molina, Hector and Paepcke, Andreas (2002) Evaluation of Delivery Techniques for Dynamic Web Content (Extended Version). Technical Report. Stanford. Naaman, Mor and Garcia-Molina, Hector and Paepcke, Andreas (2003) Evaluation of ESI and Class-Based Delta Encoding. In: 8th International Workshop on Web Content Caching and Distribution (IWCW 2003), September 29 - October 1, 2003, Hawthorne, NY. Kumar, Manu and Paepcke, Andreas and Winograd, Terry (2007) EyePoint: Practical Pointing and Selection Using Gaze and Keyboard. In: Conference on Computer-Human Interaction (CHI) 2007, 28 April - 3 May, 2007 , San Jose, California. Kumar, Manu and Paepcke, Andreas and Winograd, Terry (2007) EyePoint: Practical Pointing and Selection Using Gaze and Keyboard. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. Bihani, Ankita and Ullman, Jeffrey D. and Paepcke, Andreas FAQtor : Automatic FAQ generation using online forums. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. (Publication Note: Submitted for publication) Raghavan, Nikhil and Paepcke, Andreas (2007) Fine-Granularity Virtual Tags on Physical Objects. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. Naaman, Mor and Paepcke, Andreas and Garcia-Molina, Hector (2003) From Where to What: Metadata Sharing for Digital Photographs with Geographic Coordinates. Technical Report. Stanford. Naaman, Mor and Paepcke, Andreas and Garcia-Molina, Hector (2003) From Where to What: Metadata Sharing for Digital Photographs with Geographic Coordinates. In: 11th International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (COOPIS 2003), November 3-7, 2003, Catania, Sicily, Italy. Kumar, Manu and Winograd, Terry and Paepcke, Andreas (2007) Gaze-enhanced Scrolling Techniques. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. Kumar, Manu and Winograd, Terry and Paepcke, Andreas and Klingner, Jeff (2007) Gaze-enhanced User Interface Design. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. Daswani, Neil and Boneh, Dan and Garcia-Molina, Hector and Ketchpel, Steven and Paepcke, Andreas (2000) A Generalized Digital Wallet Architecture. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. (Publication Note: A version of this paper appeared in 3rd USENIX Workshop on Electronic Commerce (EC 1998) August 31-September 3, 1998, Boston, MA ) Kumar, Manu and Klingner, Jeff and Puranik, Rohan and Winograd, Terry and Paepcke, Andreas (2007) Improving the Accuracy of Gaze Input. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. Paepcke, Andreas (1996) Information Needs in Technical Work Settings and their Implications for the Design of Computer Tools. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. (Publication Note: CSCW Journal) Kandel, Sean and Paepcke, Andreas and Abelson, Eric and Theodor, Martin and Garcia-Molina, Hector (2008) Introduction to PhotoSpread. [Video] Yeh, Ron and Klemmer, Scott and Paepcke, Andreas and Bast''a-Forte, Marcello and Brandt, Joel and Boli, Jonas (2007) Iterative Design of a Paper + Digital Toolkit: Supporting Designing, Developing, and Debugging. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. Naaman, Mor and Garcia-Molina, Hector and Paepcke, Andreas and Yeh, Ron B. (2005) Leveraging Context to Resolve Identity in Photo Albums. Technical Report. Stanford. Naaman, Mor and Yeh, Ron B. and Garcia-Molina, Hector and Paepcke, Andreas (2005) Leveraging Context to Resolve Identity in Photo Albums. In: Fifth ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2005), Jne 7-11, 2005, Denver, Colorado. Harada, Susumu and Naaman, Mor and Song, Yee Jiun and Wang, QianYing and Paepcke, Andreas (2003) Lost in Memories: Interacting With Large Photo Collections on PDAs. Technical Report. Stanford. Harada, Susumu and Naaman, Mor and Song, Yee Jiun and Wang, QianYing and Paepcke, Andreas (2003) Lost in Memories: Interacting With Large Photo Collections on PDAs. Technical Report. Stanford. Harada, Susumu and Naaman, Mor and Song, Yee Jiun and Wang, QianYing and Paepcke, Andreas (2004) Lost in Memories: Interacting With Large Photo Collections on PDAs. In: Fourth ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2004), June 7-11, 2004, Tucson, AZ. Davis, Glenn M. and Tong, Yanyan and Riwzwan, Aymen and Paepcke, Andreas Maximizing student benefit from instructor interactions with MOOC discussion forums. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. (Publication Note: Submitted for publication.) Morris, Meredith Ringel and Cassanego, Anthony and Paepcke, Andreas and Winograd, Terry and Piper, Anne Marie and Huang, Anqi (2006) Mediating Group Dynamics through Tabletop Interface Design. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 26 (5). pp. 65-73. Wang, QianYing and Hsieh, Tony and Morris, Meredith Ringel and Paepcke, Andreas (2005) Multi-User Piles Across Space. Technical Report. Stanford. Manoharan, Aswath and Stamberger, Jeannie and Yu, YuanYuan and Paepcke, Andreas (2007) Optimizations for the EcoPod Field Identification Tool. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. Harada, Susumu and Naaman, Mor and Song, Yee Jiun and Wang, QianYing and Paepcke, Andreas (2003) Photo browser timeline view on PDA. [Video] Kandel, Sean and Paepcke, Andreas and Theobald, Martin and Garcia-Molina, Hector (2007) The PhotoSpread Query Language. Technical Report. Stanford. Kandel, Sean and Abelson, Eric and Garcia-Molina, Hector and Paepcke, Andreas and Theobald, Martin (2007) PhotoSpread: A Spreadsheet for Managing Photos. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. Kandel, Sean and Abelson, Eric and Garcia-Molina, Hector and Paepcke, Andreas and Theobald, Martin (2007) PhotoSpread: A Spreadsheet for Managing Photos. In: CHI 2008, April 5-10, 2008, Florence, Italy. Hsieh, Tony and Wang, QianYing and Paepcke, Andreas (2005) Piles Across Space---Breaking the Real-Estate Barrier on PDAs. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. Hsieh, Tony and Wang, QuianYing and Paepcke, Andreas (2005) Piles Across Space: Breaking the Real-Estate Barrier on PDAs. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. Lamb, Andrew and Hernandez, Jose and Ullman, Jeffrey and Paepcke, Andreas (2016) Portrait of an IndexerâComputing Pointers Into Instructional Videos. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. Buyukkokten, Orkut and Garcia-Molina, Hector and Paepcke, Andreas and Winograd, Terry (2001) Power Email: Efficient Email Entry on Pen-Based Handheld Devices. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. Chang, Chen-Chuan K. and Garcia-Molina, Hector and Paepcke, Andreas (1999) Predicate Rewriting for Translating Boolean Queries in a Heterogeneous Information System. ACM Transactions on Information Systems, vol. 17, no. 1, Jan. 1999. . Chang, Chen-Chuan K. and Garcia-Molina, Hector and Paepcke, Andreas (1999) Predicate Rewriting for Translating Boolean Queries in a Heterogeneous Information System. ACM Transactions on Information Systems, vol. 17, no. 1, Jan. 1999 . Kandel, Sean and Parikh, Ravi and Paepcke, Andreas and Hellerstein, Joseph M. and Heer, Jeffrey (2012) Profiler: Integrated Statistical Analysis and Visualization for Data Quality Assessment. In: AVI '12. Paepcke, Andreas and Pantofaru, Caroline and Marzouk, Sharon and Hendrix, Austin and Thomas, Dirk and Elliott, Sarah (2012) Programming Robots at the Museum. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. Phan, Doantam and Paepcke, Andreas and Winograd, Terry (2007) Progressive Multiples for Communication-Minded Visualization. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. (Publication Note: Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2007) Garcia-Molina, Hector and Paepcke, Andreas (1997) Proposal for I**3 Client Server Protocol. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. Bihani, Ankita and Paepcke, Andreas QuanTyler : Apportioning Credit for Student Forum Participation. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. (Publication Note: Submitted for publication.) Paepcke, Andreas and Brandriff, Robert and Janee, Greg and Larson, Ray and Ludaescher, Bertram and Melnik, Sergey and Raghavan, Sriram (2000) Search Middleware and the Simple Digital Library Interoperability Protocol. DLIB Magazine., 6 (3). Paepcke, Andreas and Brandriff, Robert and Janee, Greg and Larson, Ray and Ludaescher, Bertram and Melnik, Sergey and Raghavan, Sriram (2000) Search Middleware and the Simple Digital Library Interoperability Protocol (Long Version). Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. Arasu, Arvind and Cho, Junghoo and Garcia-Molina, Hector and Paepcke, Andreas and Raghavan, Sriram (2000) Searching the Web. Technical Report. Stanford. Buyukkokten, Orkut and Garcia-Molina, Hector and Paepcke, Andreas (2001) Seeing the Whole in Parts: Text Summarization for Web Browsing on Handheld Devices. In: Tenth International World Web Conference (WWW 2001), May 1-5, 2001, Hong Kong. Ketchpel, Steven P. and Garcia-Molina, Hector and Paepcke, Andreas (1997) Shopping Models: A Flexible Architecture for Information Commerce. In: Second ACM international conference on Digital libraries (DL 1997) , July 23 - 26, 1997, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Jonathan, Siddharth and Paepcke, Andreas (2007) SpotSigs: Near Duplicate Detection in Web Page Collections. Masters thesis, Stanford University. Theobald, Martin and Siddharth, Jonathan and Paepcke, Andreas (2008) SpotSigs: Robust and Efficient Near Duplicate Detection in Large Web Collections. In: 31st annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval (SIGIR 2008), July 20 - 24, 2008, Singapore, Singapore. Theobald, Martin and Siddharth, Jonathan and Paepcke, Andreas (2008) SpotSigs: Robust and Efficient Near Duplicate Detection in Large Web Collections. In: 31st annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval 2008 (SIGIR 2008), July 20 - 24, 2008, Singapore, Singapore. Hassan, Scott and Paepcke, Andreas (1997) Stanford Digital Library Interoperability Protocol. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. Baldonado, Michelle and Chang, Chen-Chuan K. and Gravano, Luis and Paepcke, Andreas (1997) The Stanford Digital Library Metadata Architecture. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. Roscheisen, Martin and Baldonado, Michelle and Chang, Kevin and Gravano, Luis and Ketchpel, Steven and Paepcke, Andreas (2000) The Stanford InfoBus and Its Service Layers: Augmenting the Internet with Higher-Level Information Management Protocols. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. (Publication Note: Digital libraries in computer science: the MeDoc approach, p.213-30, Springer-Verlag, 1998) Cho, Junghoo and Garcia-Molina, Hector and Haveliwala, Taher and Lam, Wang and Paepcke, Andreas and Raghavan, Sriram and Wesley, Gary (2004) Stanford WebBase Components and Applications. Technical Report. Stanford. Gravano, Luis and Chang, Chen-Chuan K. and Garcia-Molina, Hector and Paepcke, Andreas (1997) STARTS: Stanford Protocol Proposal for Internet Retrieval and Search. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. Garg, Aashna and Paepcke, Andreas (2017) Supporting the Encouragement of Forum Participation. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. Heymann, Paul and Paepcke, Andreas and Garcia-Molina, Hector (2010) Tagging Human Knowledge. In: Third ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM2010), February 3-6, 2010, New York City, NY, USA. Morris, Meredith Ringel and Paepcke, Andreas and Winograd, Terry (2006) TeamSearch: Comparing Techniques for Co-Present Collaborative Search of Digital Media. In: The First IEEE International Workshop on Horizontal Interactive Human-Computer Systems (Tabletop 2006), January 5-7, 2006, Adelaide, South Australia. Morris, Meredith Ringel and Paepcke, Andreas and Winograd, Terry and Stamberger, Jeannie (2006) TeamTag: Exploring Centralized versus Replicated Controls for Co-located Tabletop Groupware. In: Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2006), April 22-27, 2006, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Graham, Adrian and Garcia-Molina, Hector and Paepcke, Andreas and Winograd, Terry (2002) Time as Essence for Photo Browsing Through Personal Digital Libraries. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. Graham, Adrian and Garcia-Molina, Hector and Paepcke, Andreas and Winograd, Terry (2002) Time as Essence for Photo Browsing Through Personal Digital Libraries. In: Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2002) , July 14-18, 2002, Portland, Oregon. Hernandez, Jose and Lamb, Andrew and Paepcke, Andreas and Ullman, Jeffrey (2015) Towards Automated Study Guides for MOOCs. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. (Publication Note: The submission to a research workshop in the context of Coursera's 2015 Partners Conference.) Cousins, Steve B. and Paepcke, Andreas and Hassan, Scott W. and Winograd, Terry (1997) Towards Wide-Area Distributed Interfaces. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. Paepcke, Andreas and Cousins, Steve B. and Garcia-Molina, Hector and Hassan, Scott W. and Ketchpel, Steven K. and Roscheisen, Martin and Winograd, Terry (1998) Using Distributed Objects for Digital Library Interoperability. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. Gruver, Nate and Malik, Ali and Capoor, Brahm and PIech, Chris and Stevens, Mitchell. L. and Paepcke, Andreas (2019) Using Latent Variable Models to Observe Academic Pathways. In: Educational Data Mining (EDM 2019), July 2-5, 2019, Montreal, Canada. Angus, Geoffrey and Martinez, Richard Diehl and Stevens, Mitchell and Paepcke, Andreas (2019) Via: Illuminating Academic Pathways at Scale. In: Learning @ Scale, June 24-25, 2019, Chicago, IL.. Wang, QianYing and Harada, Susumu and Hsieh, Tony and Paepcke, Andreas (2005) Visual Interface and Control Modality: An Experiment about Fast Photo Browsing on Mobile Devices. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. (Publication Note: Interact '05, Rome, Italy, September 12-16, 2005) Brandman, Onn and Garcia-Molina, Hector and Paepcke, Andreas (1999) Where Have You Been? A Comparison of Three Web Tracking Technologies. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. Kandel, Sean and Paepcke, Andreas and Hellerstein, Joseph and Heer, Jeffrey (2011) Wrangler: Interactive Visual Specification of Data Transformation Scripts. In: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, May 7-12, 2011, Vancouver. Paepcke, Andreas and Soto, Bianca and Takayama, Leila and Koenig, Frank and Gassend, Blaise (2011) Yelling In the Hall: Using Sidetone to Address a Problem with Mobile Remote Presence Systems. In: UIST (ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology), October 16-19, 2011, Santa Barbara. Agrawal, Akshay and Venkatraman, Jagadish and Leonard, Shane and Paepcke, Andreas (2015) YouEDU: Addressing Confusion in MOOC Discussion Forums by Recommending Instructional Video Clips. In: National Science Foundation. Agrawal, Akshay and Venkatraman, Jagadish and Leonard, Shane and Paepcke, Andreas YouEDU: Addressing Confusion in MOOC Discussion Forums by Recommending Instructional Video Clips. In: Submitted for publication. |