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Number of items: 14.

Tomasic, A. and Garcia-Molina, H. (1993) Caching and Database Scaling in Distributed Shared-Nothing Information Retrieval Systems. In: ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD 1993), May 26-28, 1993, Washington, D.C.

Tomasic, A. (1993) Correct View Update Translations via Containment. Technical Report. Stanford University.

Tomasic, A. and Gravano, L. and Lue, C. and Schwarz, P. and Haas, L. (1995) Data Structures for Efficient Broker Implementation. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. (Publication Note: Technical report, IBM Almaden Research Center, June 1995)

Tomasic, A. and Gravano, L. and Lue, C. and Schwarz, P. and Haas, L. (1996) Data Structures for Efficient Broker Implementation. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. (Publication Note: Technical report, IBM Almaden Research Center, June 1995; also in TOIS'96.)

Tomasic, A. (1994) Determining Correct View Update Translations via Query Containment. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. (Publication Note: International Conference on Logic Programming Workshop on Deductive Databases, 1994)

Gravano, L. and Garcia-Molina, H. and Tomasic, A. (1994) The Effectiveness of GlOSS for the Text-Database Discovery Problem. In: ACM International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD 1994), May 24-27, 1994, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Gravano, L. and Garcia-Molina, H. and Tomasic, A. (1993) The Efficacy of GlOSS for the Text Database Discovery Problem. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. (Publication Note: Part of paper appeared in SIGMOD '94.)

Gravano, L. and Garcia-Molina, H. and Tomasic, A. (2000) Gloss: Text-Source Discovery over the Internet. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. (Publication Note: ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 24(2), June 1999. )

Tomasic, A. and Garcia-Molina, H. and Shoens, K. (1994) Incremental Updates of Inverted Lists for Text Document Retrieval. Technical Report. Stanford InfoLab. (Publication Note: ACM International Conference on Management of Data, May 24-27, 1994, Minneapolis, Minnesota (SIGMOD 1994))

Tomasic, A. and Garcia-Molina, H. (1992) Performance of Inverted Indices in Distributed Text Document Retrieval Systems. Technical Report. Stanford. (Publication Note: Short version of paper appears in PDIS '93. Long version of paper appears in VLDB Journal '93.)

Tomasic, A. and Garcia-Molina, H. (1993) Performance of Inverted Indices in Shared-Nothing Distributed Text Document Information Retrieval Systems. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Information Systems, 1993, San Diego, CA.

Gravano, L. and Garcia-Molina, H. and Tomasic, A. (1994) Precision and Recall of GlOSS Estimators for Database Discovery. Technical Report. Stanford University. (Publication Note: Part of paper appeared in Third International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Information Systems, Austin, Texas, September 28-30, 1994 (PDIS 1994))

Gravano, L. and Garcia-Molina, H. and Tomasic, A. (1994) Precision and Recall of GlOSS Estimators for Database Discovery. In: Third International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Information Systems (PDIS 1994), September 28-30, 1994, Austin, Texas.

Shoens, K. and Tomasic, A. and Garcia-Molina, H. (1994) Synthetic Workload Performance Analysis of Incremental Updates. Technical Report. Stanford. (Publication Note: 17th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval, Dublin, Ireland July 03 - 06, 1994 (SIGIR 1994) )

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