Items where Project is "Peers" and Year is 2005
Jump to: Data Management in Mobile P2P Systems | LSH Forest: Self-Tuning Indexes for Similarity Search | On Cooperative Content Distribution and the Price of Barter | Quantifying Agent Strategies Under Reputation | Retrieving subset of result before completing top-k query | Taxonomy of Trust: Categorizing P2P Reputation Systems | Trust and Reputation in Peer-to-Peer Networks Number of items: 7.
Data Management in Mobile P2P SystemsKan, Masataka (2005) Data Management in Mobile P2P Systems. Technical Report. Stanford. LSH Forest: Self-Tuning Indexes for Similarity SearchBawa, Mayank and Condie, Tyson and Ganesan, Prasanna (2005) LSH Forest: Self-Tuning Indexes for Similarity Search. In: Fourteenth International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2005), May 10-14, 2005, Chiba, Japan. On Cooperative Content Distribution and the Price of BarterGanesan, Prasanna and Seshadri, Mukund (2005) On Cooperative Content Distribution and the Price of Barter. Technical Report. Stanford. Quantifying Agent Strategies Under ReputationMarti, Sergio and Garcia-Molina, Hector (2005) Quantifying Agent Strategies Under Reputation. In: Fifth IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P 2005), August 31- September 2, 2005, Konstanz, Germany. Retrieving subset of result before completing top-k queryOkazaki, Takumi (2005) Retrieving subset of result before completing top-k query. Technical Report. Stanford. Taxonomy of Trust: Categorizing P2P Reputation SystemsMarti, Sergio and Garcia-Molina, Hector (2005) Taxonomy of Trust: Categorizing P2P Reputation Systems. Working Paper. Stanford InfoLab. Trust and Reputation in Peer-to-Peer NetworksMarti, Sergio (2005) Trust and Reputation in Peer-to-Peer Networks. PhD thesis, Stanford University. |