Download and Installation of the SDLIP Distribution 

SDLIP document map and recommended reading sequence (click to navigate):

The complete SDLIP code distribution consists of the following files:

SDLIP Version 1.x

  1. sdlip-1_2.jar (120 KB)

  2. SDLIP interfaces, SDLIP/DASL transport modules, utitilies etc.
  3. corba-sdlip-1_2.jar (688 KB)

  4. SDLIP/CORBA transport modules and a complete CORBA ORB.
  5. examples-sdlip-1_2.jar (61 KB)

  6. Example applications (the Z39.50 wrapper requires OCLC Z39.50 libraries 202 KB).
  7. source-sdlip-1_2.jar (641 KB)

  8. Source code and documentation.

SDLIP Version 2.x

  1. sdlip-2_0.jar (100 KB)

  2. SDLIP interfaces, SDLIP/DASL transport modules, utitilies etc.
  3. examples-sdlip-2_0.jar (36 KB)

  4. Example applications (the Z39.50 wrapper requires OCLC Z39.50 libraries 202 KB).
  5. source-sdlip-2_0.jar (550 KB)

  6. Source code and documentation.
Download the above JAR files and store them on your local file system. The first three files must not be unpacked. Just include them into your CLASSPATH environment variable. The tutorial describes this procedure.

The source code and documentation can be unpacked using the following command:

jar -vxf source-sdlip-1_x.jar
Please refer to the tutorial and documentation (sdlip 1.x or sdlip 2.x) for additional information.

If you use Netscape 4.x, try out a simple Java-based SDLIP client. (Note: a new applet-based SDLIP client is in preparation).

Frequently Asked Questions