Package sdlip.examples

Class Summary
Client This is an example application included in the SDLIP distribution.
ClientApp This is an example application included in the SDLIP distribution.
ComplexLSP This application starts both the SimpleLSP application described in the SDLIP Java tutorial and the SwitchBoardLSP. The SimpleLSP is exported under the name "/simplelsp".
DiscoverMetadata This is an example application included in the SDLIP distribution.
SimpleClient This is the SimpleClient application described in the SDLIP Java tutorial.
SimpleLSP This is the SimpleLSP application described in the SDLIP Java tutorial.
SwitchBoard This is an auxiliary class internally used by the SimpleBoardLSP application.
SwitchBoardLSP This is an example application included in the SDLIP distribution.
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